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6 Things I Know Are True: My Journey with Mental Illness

Your brain is an unapologetic liar. That’s what you tell yourself when you are going through a rough patch when things aren’t working out for you the way you want them to. Your brain lies to you about how you perceive things by twisting and bending them entirely.

The ‘lies’ mean that we often misinterpret certain occurrences or perceive them differently from others which may not be apparent when we’re invested in understanding certain instances. For example, when you live with a mental illness, your brain may influence how you see yourself, compelling you to think that things will never get better.

  1. You Are Not Alone
  2. There are people around you who would go out of their way to help you through this difficult patch in your life, and if you feel as though you do not have enough support, you can always reach out to Alquimedez Mental Health Counseling.

  3. Do What Works Best for You
  4. Although this may sound a lot difficult for someone going through a depressive episode, it is essential that you look up ways on the internet to cope with your current situation. This may ease things for you temporarily.

  5. Going Through a Rough Patch Does Not Equal a Bad Life
  6. Life has its ups and down, but your mental health depends on how your brain interprets these lows. We have established that the brain is hardwired to interpret situations a certain way. Alquimedez Mental Health Counseling is here to help you through a difficult patch in your life.

  7. Don’t Let Your Past Dictate Your Future
  8. Many of us go through something life-altering that leaves a deep mental wound that we often cannot recover from, at least not on our own. Then, of course, we need to put our pasts behind us, move on and have a fantastic future, but how do we do that?

    Well, the first step would be to seek help from a professional. At Alquimedez Mental Health Counseling, we provide a mental health treatment plan that helps our patients overcome their difficult pasts.

  9. Things Get Better
  10. When you are experiencing an unbearable episode of depression or battling a brutal anxiety attack, it can feel as though the pain will never end, which isn’t one bit true. You have your friends to turn to and your family to give you the support you need.

    The sun will shine after a difficult time, and we can help you see it. Visit Alquimedez Mental Health Counseling and live thelife you deserve.

  11. There’s Always Support around You
  12. Your mental health symptoms may cloud your judgment and compel you to think that you have no one to turn to, which again is a lie. Your friends and family members care about you and want you to confide in them about what you are going through.

    If you do not think you can turn to them, you need to reach out to Alquimedez Mental Health Counseling. We will help you get the proper treatment and overcome the mental health difficulties you may be facing.

The Takeaway

Often, we are left wondering whether things will get better or not; the truth is you can only overcome mental health challenges if you seek help. That’s the first step you can take to help pull yourself out of the dark. Get in touch with Alquimedez Mental Health Counseling, and we will help you find your way out of your recurring mental health issues.

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